Quantum Flow Frequencies for ultimate Business Success

We elevate your vibration in the quantum field, by sending you an upgraded electromagnetic signature. It is programmed specifically according to your goals to live your dream life & grow the business you are passionate about. Our frequencies act as an energetic bodyguard, letting only people and opportunities come into your life, that are aligned with your highest soul purpose.

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Chakra Balancing

We balance your company’s energy vortexes to receive new frequencies openly.

Identify Success Blockers

We find conscious and unconscious blockages for your success and resolve them.

Vision Alignment

We create a coherent, high vibrational energy force field for your company vision and values.

Goal Empowerment

We effectively raise the probabilities of you achieving your goals through daily impulses.

Business Decisions

We support business decisions based on the vibrational match to the possible outcomes.

Supercharge Events

Assure your special projects are successful, by launching them with quantum power.


Coherent vs. Non- Coherent Companies

In many businesses mostly the founder has a clear long term vision. In a coherent company every team member, supplier, client and other stakeholder is aligned with the business vision, or will very quickly make room for new opportunities.

Carola Täubel

"Wiccan makes my life feel more balanced. I finally have the time to sort out my thoughts and resolve my issues. By deciding to work with Wiccian, my business has changed for the better and everything is falling into place.

I can highly recommend Wiccian, because they have harmonised and inspired my company and my life path."


"I was impressed by the quick turn my life took. It was like from “understanding intuition and being tapped in” to “dang… I’m flooded by downloads on what to do and what to change” - absolutely nothing works if you don’t do the work, but indeed Sarah gives you quite compelling good reasons and support so you actually go do the work as you start receiving the hertz frequency support from the Quantum Computer. And the scientific reports on your goals and energy levels are quite impressive too. Definitely don’t turn this down without giving a few months “all-in” try!"

Arthur Simonian

"My personal and business life have both been in total flow since I began my consulting with Wiccian. I can only describe it as magical to my family and friends.

My overall experience has been great and I would recommend Wiccian to those ready to accelerate their lives."

 Subscribe Now

Choose your monthly or yearly Quantum Business Flow frequency subscription.

Quantum Flow Frequencies for ultimate Business Success

We send photons and electrons into your business’ energy field and align everyone to your vision. By raising your vibrational signature, we change the opportunities and people that come into your life and business.

Your Highway to Conscious Success

  1. We balance your company’s energy vortexes to receive new frequencies openly
  2. We find blockages for success and resolve them
  3. We create a coherent, strong, high vibrational energy force field for your company vision, mission and values
  4. We empower your goals in the information field
  5. We support important business decisions
  6. We supercharge your special projects with quantum power

What you'll get:

✦ 1 Founder (Quantum Life Flow) included per Business Location
✦ Goal optimisation coaching at start
✦ Access to the self-paced "Unleash Your Quantum Power" course in our video portal 
✦ Daily reinforcement of up to 36 business goals
✦ Divided into up to 3 goal lists to adjust individually when needed
✦ Personal analysis to balance success blockers and goal resistance
✦ Elements to support your goals
✦ Analysis and frequency adjustment twice per month
✦ Quarterly quantum report & goal updates delivered in your HerzEnergy portal
✦ Final meeting at the end of one year

You feel inner peace and clarity about your business purpose and mission, certainty to be on the right path and strength, if course correction is needed.

You can cancel any time before your subscription renewal.