Magical Impulses to Discover Your Life Mission
This program is carefully selected to support your journey inwards, in reconnecting with your truest and deepest desires at soul level. Following your life path is a very empowering experience, that will bring you immense joy and motivation. This program will help you plant the seed within you, from wich your wildest dreams will quickly grow into your new reality.
Activate this Program NowTrust in Miracles
We strengthen your trust in the belief, that the universe always conspire in your favour.
Connection to Quantum Self
We reestablish a strong and firm connection to your quantum self, your best version & higher self.
Tune into Your Genius
We help you find your personal genius area, where you passion, talents & skills overlap.
Follow Your Intuition
You feel stronger self esteem and overall confidence, increased intuition and willpower.
Clarity about Your Mission
You discover your cosmic mission on this planet within and gain clarity over your future life path.
Purpose Protection
By living your purpose, you unleash your quantum power and your purpose always protects you.
Carola Täubel ✦ Austria
"Durch Wiccian fühlt sich mein Leben ausgeglichener an. Ich habe endlich die Zeit meine Gedanken zu sortieren und meine Themen aufzulösen. Durch die Entscheidung mit Wiccian zusammenzuarbeiten, hat sich mein Unternehmer sehr zum Positiven verändert und alles fügt sich wie von alleine. Wiccian kann ich sehr weiterempfehlen, da sich mein Unternehmen und mein Lebensweg harmonisiert und beflügelt hat."
Jose Luis ✦ Mexico
"I have corroborated that it has helped me focus my attention on what I am looking for, and given me a great motivation to execute it, I definitely recommend it."
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Magical Impulses to Discover Your Life Mission
Many souls finding their way to our team, find themselves in a stage of life, where they are looking for their life purpose here on earth. We can send a focused vibrational signature of bio photons and electrons into your energy field to unleash passion and creativity.
This program is carefully selected to support your journey inwards in reconnecting with your truest and deepest desires at soul level. Following your life path, is a very empowering experience that will bring you immense joy and motivation. This program will help you plant the seed within you, from wich your wildest dreams will quickly grow into your new reality.
We engineer synchronicities and help you connect to your higher self, to define your genius area. You can expect strengthened security and trust in yourself and a grater clarity over your life mission. We have experienced the shaping of a new life vision taking place usually in around 9 months, comparable to the formation of a human baby. You will give a metaphoric birth to a new, quantum empowered version of your reality and self over the course of nine months.
Your Highway to Discovering your Life's Purpose
We balance your energy body’s vortexes to receive vibrations openly
We find blockages for quantum self connection and resolve them
We strengthen your connection to your soul plan create a coherent, strong energy force field
We help you find your personal genius area, where you passion, talents & skills overlap
You discover your cosmic mission on to this planet within and gain clarity over your life path
You unleash your quantum power and your purpose always protects you
What you'll get
Our 9 Month Cosmic Mission Discovery Program:
✦ Cosmic coaching call at start
✦ Optimisation of the 3 chakras related to the higher self connection, life vision and creativity
✦ Quantum analysis and resonance interruption of vibrational patterns of possible blockages
✦ Daily reinforcement of your personalised cosmic mission discovery vibrations
✦ Elements to support your process
✦ Analysis and frequency adjustment twice per month
✦ Final meeting at the end of 9 months
You feel certainty and clarity about your life purpose and mission and strength to walk the the right path.
You can cancel any time before your subscription renewal.